article | Reading time5 min
article | Reading time5 min
A monastery or abbey, occupied by monks whose main function is prayer, is all very well! But what exactly is it? To find out, come and meet the Benedictines of Montmajour!
Why "Benedictine"? Because our monks follow a rule established by St. Benedict of Nursia (c. 480 - 547), a true "father of monks" who lived in the 6th century and organized the lives of his fellow monks. In 540, the rule was born! But what does it consist of?
Comprising 73 chapters, the rule defines the community as a family. This is the basic principle. Community life was essential in the Middle Ages to ensure protection and survival in an often hostile environment. This was as true of the monastic community as it was of the village community or trade association.
At its head is the abbot , whose etymology refers to the image of the father (abba in Hebrew). He is elected for life by the brothers, who owe him obedience. His role is to enforce the rule within the monastery , and to correct monks when necessary. He has a representative role, and every year he visits the abbey's outbuildings.
He must therefore be absent on a regular basis, and is replaced by the prior , who has the same responsibilities as the abbot. And the same qualities.
The correzier is responsible for supplying the kitchen and feeding the guests. He's theabbey's bursar. With several material functions, he's an important figure. Another key member is the sacristan, in charge ofchurch maintenance: lamps, candles, stained-glass windows and priestly vestments must be ready and properly cleaned.
The worker is in charge of general building maintenance and repairs. The prechanter teaches the monks how to intone the psalms, as the services are sung.
You'll also find a chambermaid, in charge of accommodating the monastery's guests. Thenurse and chaplain are very close to the poorest of the poor. They complete this great team.
So, now that you know all the members of the monastic " family ", which function do you feel closest to?
A monk's day is divided into times for prayer (you knew that!), work and rest. And it's rather... long! It begins at midnight with the first prayer and ends at 7pm. In between, the monks devote 8 hours to prayer, 5 hours to manual work and 4 hours to rest. But 2 hours are missing...?! And the meals ? The menu is very precise and varies according to the time of year and the Christian feasts. Rather light and sober, it can be enriched for special occasions.
Fashion enthusiasts will ask us how the monks dressed. The cameraman distributed clothing according to the season: a summer tunic made of cloth and a winter tunic lined with skin. Not forgetting slippers, hoods and shoes.
But perhaps most important of all, behavior. What does it mean to be a good monk? To obey and fight laziness through work. Relieving the poor and helping those most in need. Not to be proud or slanderous. If you're convinced, the Abbot awaits your applications!